Detach From Your Old Relationship, Build An Unbreakable Self-Concept, & Become The Highest Version Of You

With Alicia Tghlian

Does This Sound Like You?

You are:

  • highly ambitious

  • ready to take a huge leap

  • a go-getter when it comes to you and your loved ones

  • ready for a huge shift in your LIFE

  • ready to take guided action to get your dream life

  • know that you’re destined for greatness?

And You Want This?…

  • Guidance on how to get to your dream life

  • Coaching to rewire your old belief systems

  • Action-based strategies to ensure you get there

  • A certified coach with a Masters in Psychology, that will walk you through every step of your journey to your dream life?

  • With Alicia, you will have: A loving partner, a great financial situation, and a REAL love for yourself

Don’t Worry… I Got You!

Meet Alicia

Alicia is a mindset coach and Behavior Analyst, with a Master's degree in Behavior Science. Alicia is passionate about helping her clients develop a stable self-concept, and to detach from romantic situations that drain their energy.

Alicia is deeply committed to ensuring that her clients feel heard, seen, and secure during their sessions. She offers a non-biased perspective and formulates and writes a behavior plan to transform her clients mindset.

Together, they explore the root causes of their circumstances, define desired outcomes, and work toward creating those outcomes through practical action-based strategies.

Join 2000+ Other Girlies Who Made Their First Step With My FREE Guide!


Let's Shift that Energy BACK to Yourself

Look- we're done being attached to people that no longer serve us, and we're ESPECIALLY done waiting for their text. I created this PDF, "How to Shift Your Energy BACK to Yourself" to help you live a happier, more balanced life.

In this short yet simple guide, I give you my tips on how to regain control over your energy, and focus it where it truly matters – yourself.

94,000 Followers & 7.8 Million Views In Just 6 Months

Join Other Girlies Just Like You!

Once Alicia brought her expertise to the digital social world, her message and work exploded.

Gaining 94,000 followers and generating 7.8 million views in just 6 months, so many women around the World resonate with the guidance Alicia delivers daily.