Welcome to Manifestation Boot Camp!

Manifestation Boot Camp is the all-in-one, get-ready-to-have-your-mind-blown, 6-week course of manifesting YOUR unique dream life.

Get lifetime access to all of the video modules below, along with their accompanying *BONUS* worksheets to start manifesting your dream reality. So… what are you waiting for?!

Using the principles of energy, universal laws, behavior science, psychology, and subconscious reprogramming, Manifestation Boot Camp is guaranteed to help you shift your reality by eliminating the blocks that are keeping you living the life you want the most. 

This is the ONLY program you will ever need when it comes to manifesting your dream life. If you’re ready to harness the full power of the Universe and tap into your unique manifesting gifts to create a life on YOUR terms, this program is for YOU!

Click “Learn More” for Week 1 of Manifestation Boot Camp!

See you there :)

Your girlie,

Alicia Tghlian | Growth for Girlies

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